Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is a Nutshell Pram?

If you live on the coast of Maine, you have to be pretty isolated not to have heard of the Wooden Boat School over in Brooklin, Maine. This school is where legions of people have flocked to learn how to make a boat, small or large, out of what some people think is the only material a real boat should be made of...wood.

The school has developed several standard small boats for which they sell plans or, for the faint of heart, a kit from which to make a wooden boat.

Several years ago, I became very fond of a little pram that is used by many boat owners as a tender for their larger boat. I became aware that this little pram was one of the standard boats sold by the Wooden Boat School and that it was called a "nutshell pram". They can be made in either a 7' model or a 9'2" model. They can either be built to row only or rigged to sail. They even have a neat little sculling groove in the stern transom so you can get around that way too.

The Wooden Boat School will either sell you a kit to build the boat or a set of plans and a soft cover book with pictures of how to build it. They recommend materials of the finest kind and the kit comes fitted out with these materials. Or, you can buy the plans and the book and go it on your own. This is what we have elected to do.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT site.
    I'm a first time builder doing a Nutshell from plans (WB doesn't ship kits to Canada). I'm still building the "done pile" but almost ready to start on the ladder frame. This site has been more use than the instruction book. Without it, I'd be floundering. Many thanks
