Yesterday wasn't a boating day, at least on the water boating. Since it was raining, again, we took the time to work on fitting the seats into the pram. John had brought some pieces of mahogany up from the mill to use for seats. We trimmed the edges first. Next we calculated the angle that each end would have to be cut to. Then the bow to stern angle. The picture below shows one end of the stern seat already cut and John marking the other end.
Here is the stern seat after cutting and placing.
We went on and used the same process for all three seats. The middle seat had to be fitted around the midships frame. The plans call for the middle seat to be removable to give the sailor more room to work while under sail. We will eventually take our middle seat out, plug the screw holes and make it removable. One thing I should add is that in the plans, it calls for the seat supports to be 1" on the support surface. In the hand drawn sheet which shows how to make the removable middle seat, it calls for two inch support surfaces. We found the size screws called for in the plans to fasten the seats would be way too big to fasten to the 1" supports. However, they probably would work with 2" supports.
Now we will sand out the seat surfaces and round over the edges before putting three coats of varnish on. After one more coat of epoxy and a lot of 220 grit sandpaper, we will finally be ready to paint the inside of the pram. Then we will fasten the seats into the boat.
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